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This customer, located in Sandusky, OH, had Primary Home Improvements upgrade his attic's R-value from a sporadic R30 to a consistent R49. By installing blown-in fiberglass, this customer will ultimately save on energy costs and also depolarize extreme temperatures, creating a comfortable home all year-round!
This house went from having no insulation in the attic to the most R-Value possible!
This home is now energy efficient and comfortable! Installers drilled small holes between the studs and injected the wall cavities full of RetroFoam. Then, they plugged the holes with wooden plugs. With this particular type of siding, all that would need to be done is to paint over the plugs since you can't take this siding off. The walls of this two-story home are now insulated with a high R-value, non-toxic and class 1 fire rated injection foam that will keep the house's temperature comfortable for good!
This garage in Canton, OH used to have polarizing temperatures during the cold and warm seasons. Now, the temperatures in this space are stabilized thanks to RetroFoam injection foam insulation. RetroFoam works great for existing walls and will even prevent condensation, mold and mildew!
This customer can now enjoy reduced heating and cooling bills thanks to Tru-Soft cellulose insulation!
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